The definition of auto-immune is expressed by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) is relating to disease caused by antibodies or lymphocytes produced against substances naturally present in the body.
This means that the body attacks itself with no known cause or origin. Yikes! The body simply was not designed to "attack itself" for no reason! There must be a root cause of every condition according to the scientific LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECT - “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."
According to over $1 trillion spent on extensive medical research, everything named "Syndrome", "Auto Immune disease" and "Idiopathic illness" has a root cause. With all the scientific peer reviewed and published studies, it is abundantly clear that there is a cause for all known auto immune diseases! There are over 70,000 studies to prove this!
It is a scientific impossibility to develop autoimmune issues from a known disease such as Lyme disease because autoimmune diseases are defined by the NIH as having no known cause. Lyme disease causes chronic symptoms that are often misclassified as autoimmune by the medical community when in reality they are symptoms of the root cause. Virtually all autoimmune system diseases have NOT been clinically proven with confirming tests however they have the same root cause in common; Lyme disease and coinfections.
If a doctor cannot tell someone the root cause of their symptoms or disease, then they are not following the scientific published literature regarding their condition. According to the medical literature, there is a root cause related to their condition and it can be solved outside their knowledge base. Their condition is a symptom of a known cause and by solving the root cause, the resulting symptoms will also be eliminated.
People’s health diagnosis is not a religion and it is not a belief system. People make a proper diagnosis based on science and truth. People can choose to believe their doctor and have their diagnosis treated and managed, however I am giving them the truth based on medical science research and a plethora of experience in helping to guide people in eliminating the root cause and getting completely well regardless of their diagnosis.
“Chronic Lyme” is a polymicrobial disease. When multiple infections are left untreated in the body they are almost impossible to find (they hide from the immune system) & treat. Neurodegenerative diseases, mental illness, autoimmune diseases have all been linked to the stealth infections. Most doctors are NOT trained to recognize, diagnose, or treat them. These infections are very debilitating and can lead to death. Polymicrobial diseases involve multiple infectious agents and are referred to as complex, complicated, mixed, dual, secondary, synergistic, concurrent, polymicrobial, coinfections. ~ Dr. Garth Nicolson
There is no such thing as "not enough research" on a particular condition. It DOES exist and I'm happy to share it with you! Just contact me!
The CDC says ...
Ref: 2nd National Conference on Serologic Diagnosis of Lyme Disease, CDC/ASTPHLD, 1994
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) requires a positive test for surveillance purposes in reporting cases of Lyme disease, the CDC itself clearly states that its surveillance criteria should not be used for clinical diagnosis, but rather, Lyme should be diagnosed based on a doctor’s evaluation of symptoms with the tests providing support.
What does that mean? Suffering from multiple symptoms is likely a result of Lyme Disease and coinfections according to the CDC - EVEN if your Lyme test is negative!!!
Take a look at the attached list of symptoms. You may have multiple symptoms from this list and been given a fancy name like MS, POTS, CIDP, Fibromyalsia and over 400 more possible conditions. I'm available to help show you the actual root(s) of your condition based on the scientific research.
The 5 R's: Together = Better!
Remediate = Destroying Disease
Remove = Detox, Removing toxins
Rebuild = Nourish, Supplement
Rest = Resting from activity, harmful environment
Restore = Making changes results in success for your life!
Holistic/Natural vs. Medical
›Remediation: Destroys ONLY BAD cells
›Removal (Detox): Pulls toxins, EMFs out
›Rebuild: Nourish, supplement, feed in order to replicate good cells
›Remediation: Destroys ALL cells, good and bad
›Removal: Not typically discussed
›Rebuild: Eating "right" is unbalanced & uneducated, minimal suggestion of supplementation
Many times the holistic and medical approach do not work hand in hand. Trying too many approaches at once is like having too many cooks in the kitchen and often the one suffering ends up confused and discouraged.